Saturday, June 6, 2020

Demographic Distribution In Downtown Detroit Report - 550 Words

Demographic Distribution In Downtown Detroit Report (Research Paper Sample) Content: Demographic ReportNameInstitution affiliationDateIntroductionDemography is the study of statistics of populations. These figures can be of diverse subjects. These subjects include; Births, deaths, diseases, and incomes of people. It is merely the science of populations. Demography aims to establish the dynamics of populations. However, this research paper is on social and economic demographics of downtown Detroit, Michigan state. Some of these statistics to be studied include education, community, housing, race, gender, age, and incomesSocial stratificationSocial stratification refers to a set up in which members of the society are stratified. In this stratification there is unequal distribution of the societys rewards. The society has stratified Americans according to their socioeconomic possessions. There are approximately six socioeconomic classes (Cassedy, J. H. (2012). At the top we have the upper class. This group of persons control vast amounts of wealth. This group of persons constitutes less than one percent of the population. Members of this stratum are well educated with decent housing and incomes.Then we have the new money social group. This group of persons makes up around 20% of the population. Their wealth is not inherited and has been there for one or two generations. This group mainly comprises of people with a good education and proper housing. Thirdly, we have the middle class (Johnson, D. M., Campbell, R. R.2011). This group of persons is mainly found in the formal employment sector. They are mainly in the white collar jobs professions. This group comprises of around 35% of the population. In addition, we have the working class. This group of persons has attained vocational training. They are engaged in the blue-collar jobs. They make up about 30% of the population. The working poor make up the next stratification. These people have no permanent jobs and are lowly skilled. They lack a formal education. They make up about 25% of the population. Finally we have the lowest strata which comprises of the poor people who live below the poverty line.Location: downtown Detroit, Michigan state percentages number Population (male) 45% 45,000 Population (female) 55% 55,000 Maiden income (annually) $40000 %of population wit college degree 30% 30,000 Upper class Less than 1% Around 1,000 New money 20% 20,000 Middle class 33.21% 33,210 Working class 25% 25,000 Working poor 15% 15,000 Poor people 6.57% 6,567 Fig.1, socioeconomic stratification dataObservational Study in My Localitydescription number percentage People with luxury items (luxury SUVs) 1 1.85% People driving average cars 28 51.85% People walking on foot 17 31.48% Homeless families 8 14.81% Fig.2 observatory findingsFindingsThe observations conform to the socioeconomic classes as highlighted above. The number of the super-rich people is quite lower. The middle and average populations take up the largest proportion whereas the lower cadre group takes abou t a fifth of the population.Analysis and Reporting of ResearchFrom the data gathered, it was quite evident that the community is segregated along differential lines. Most of the African-Americans are found at the lower levels of the socioeconomic hierarchy. They live in relatively neglected neighborhoods. The elite few live in the suburbs where the living standards are quite high. In addition the community is divided racially. Each race of Americans tends to live in their own specific neighborhoods. Racial integration is not well achieved. Within...

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